
Saturday, February 15, 2014

Happy New Year!

Hello everyone! Happy belated new year! I hope everyone has been good since November. Now with the start of a new year, means a brand new growing season, even if it is freezing right now. In my plant inventory right now, I am continuing to grow the canna, pomegranate, aloe vera, small sedum, and venus fly trap. But in addition to the plants I already have growing inside, there are a few others that I've added to my repertoire.

In an egg carton I am growing some nasturtium (as I absolutely love the flowers and I can control their temperature indoors. They are more of a warm season plant but, as you can see from the picture above, one has already began sprouting up. Hopefully the other little seedlings, as well as the two lavender seeds I planted in it, will start popping up soon as well.
Next plant that I'm growing indoors are some Daicus carota, more commonly known as carrots. They are a cool season plant so I could plant them outside right now (technically) but if you can't tell from the background, we have just been hit with snow after snow after snow. For right now, I'm simply growing them in a nice water bottle which I cut the top off of. As you can see by the image, they are doing quite well in their little container.

Next plant I'm growing is in the sunroom and I got these seeds from my weekly grocery shopping. They are bell peppers, which I literally popped the seeds out of the pepper and planted them in some name brand potting soil. It's small for now but hopefully more seeds will germinate and I'll be set for life with billions of bell peppers.

The next two plants that have popped up were actually unplanned on my part. One of them I believe I planted last year and only after being watered recently by me, began germination. I know it's hard to see from the picture but it is a tiny garlic pod which has began sprouting. I will continue to water it and hopefully it will do better this year than last.

The final plant that has seemed to appear all of a sudden I'm not entirely sure what it is. From the smell of it, it seems to be some sort of onion and looking at the final image (the right image) it looks almost like a shallot. However, I have no clue how it got in there or how it has seemed to get into multiple planters. 

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